Yesterday we attended the funeral of our friend, Stuart. It was a joy to be his friend and even to just be in the same room with him was entertaining. I have many good memories which will always make me smile when I think of him. Always busy and interested in everything and everyone, Stuart really enjoyed life. I will remember my dining table full of computer parts to be installed by David and him after a trip to the computer show or Fry's. Before they moved, we often enjoyed his company and his family on Sunday evening for dinner or just dessert. No one appreciated homemade rolls or peach cobbler or pie like Stuart. We made many trips to the temple with him and Ann. They aften arrived at our house late, but we always made it to the temple on time with Stuart driving. Most of the trip his head would be facing the back seat discussing things while he was going 80 and swerving to miss the ongoing traffic. We never got in an accident, but I don't know about those we passed! It took us until the end of the session to get relaxed. And no temple excursion was complete without a tapioca pudding at the cafeteria and a stop at Tommy's. Stu usually ate 2 and enjoyed every bite! He and Ann were a big help at both our kids weddings with anything that came up. We will miss him.

The funeral was a wonderful tribute to Stuart with many of his family and friends participating. The rain subsided long enough to allow the dedication of his grave at Hillcrest on the Hill of Valor.

Ann is recieving the flag.

We were glad to have a little time to talk to Ann's mother and brother, John, whom we had not seen for a few years. You can tell Ann's mom and David really enjoy teasing each other.

Stuart's Family

Stuart's family with spouses, grandchildren and Nevilles.

Spencer wasn't sure he liked the military gun salute.

Some of our clan in attendance.

Ronnie Ann and Ann

Someone offered to take my picture with Ann and Ronnie Ann.
I guess they thought my face would crack the lens.
We were able to have Eric and his family stay at our house since Sunday night while they were here for the funeral, and Sara and Brian since Monday. It was so fun to see them again and get to know Bryson and Carly. The last time I saw Bryson, he was a baby and I had never seen Carly. Now they call me grandma. too! I hope they have a good trip home to Utah and get a nap, because I know it's been a long, busy week for them.
Love the picture of no heads- priceless.
Thanks Sister Bunting for opening your house and most of all your heart to me and my family. We had a couple people offer to allow us to stay (The people in the east stake are great), but I knew I wanted to be at your place. Bryson woke up this morning and asked if we could go back tomorrow!
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