David and I went south to help celebrate Buffy's wedding. We actually arrived Friday morning, January 18th, at the site of the reception in Vista and helped set up for the reception. From there, we hurried to Barry and Lee's house in Escondido to get ready to go to the San Diego Temple to be with Buffy as she reveived her endowment Friday evening. We stayed at Barry and Lee's house in Escondido, and Saturday, January 19th went back again for the sealing.

This is Buffy's side of the family: Ben (brother) Lloyd and Billie (paternal grandparents who came from Utah), Buff (father), Lance (groom) Buffy (bride), Peggy (mother) Barbara (maternal grandmother) Wendy (sister) Gwendolyn (niece), and Wayne (brother-in-law).

Buffy with her mom and dad

Since I was staying in the same house where these two guys live, I couldn't resist taking a picture of them on their tricycles. I don't really understand why their parents would want them to have tricycles, since I saw them crawling and....well....lets just say they are already cabable of traveling FAST. Big trouble is on the way when they start walking and actually pedal these things!

This is Buffy and her grandmother, Barbara, along with her mom, Peggy and all Peggy sisters (Jane, Becky, Diane, Carolynn and twin sister Pam) and brother Barry. In case you don't know how we are related, Barbara is David's sister.

Bird's of Paradise and goldfish were the table decorations. The favors were forture cookies. It was a great reception which included good company, good food and as always with the Baker clan, good entertainment. The highlight was Matt's impromptu dance with his mother, Lee to Elvis singing"Can't help Falling in Love". I didn't get a picture because my camera was in the kitchen and I didn't want to go get it and miss anything.
1 comment:
Congrats to Buffy! And yes, I'm not totally sure what Alan and I are thinking getting the boys trikes. They are fast little boys, I can only guess what it will be like when they're walking and running and riding trikes!!
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