"Tornados Surpreme."
Can't wait for the next two!
Can't wait for the next two!
Last Friday Karrie had a doctor appointment and some errands, so I got to watch the kids.The Delgado boys joined us and we had a blast. Karrie returned in the afternoon sporting new spring clothes, cool hairdo, fresh pedicure, and new shoes for all.
Saturday I got to work at the temple and had an opportunity to use my freshly learned Spanish for the first time! I was so scared, but excited too. I hope I'll feel more comfortable as I get more experience. Today I had my first trainee. She had been working in the Washingto D.C. Temple, but has moved back here. I really enjoyed helping her. Each time I walk into the temple I love and appreciate the opportunity to serve there more.
On Sunday, Leo, Vickie, Mariah, John, Becky and Vickie's mom , Sarah joined us for a birthday celebration for Ellen. She is now 95! We spent the day talking and eating (of course). And, everyone had to check out the new improvements to her casita. She's doing pretty well, but had a little fall this past week while brushing her teeth because of dizziness, the cause of which we haven't been able to pinpoint. She felt ok after I got her up so she and I went shopping for a new loveseat, but didn't find anything we were crazy about. By Monday she was feeling a little sore. She's such a trooper and just deals with it. We love her l lot.
We had a great time there last week. Thanks for having us over. It was fun to go to church with you all and especially to hear Joselyn's lesson.
I mean Jocelyn - I knew it was wrong but thought I could edit but I had already gone too far.
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