Monday, May 28, 2007

Happy Birthday Ed!

Walker Ed is one today.
He can walk and likes to play.
We love his smile and rosy cheeks,
It's awesome how he grows each week!
He's always been a happy boy,
Very sweet, and somewhat coy.
He loves to eat and weighs a ton!
Pick him up and you can't run.
Milkshakes are his favorite treat.
They help Ed to beat the heat.
Honda has become his friend,
Though Ed gets scratches now and then.
Ed shares his water, toys and food
And sleeps with him, if in the mood.
Papa and grandma love you lots
You're such a cute and charming tot!
We'll come to party by the pool.
Happy Birthday, Ed, you're very cool!

1 comment:

Papa Randy said...

Happy Birthday Big Ed. How come this boy never has on a clean shirt. Everyone else has on clean clothes but Big Ed's stuff is usually a little dirty. Ha Ha. Those are definietly some kissable cheeks.