Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Clara 's Arrival

What better way is there to get back to blogging than to announce the arrival of a new grandaughter? Clara Delgado arrived this morning, a few days early, at 2:16 a.m. She weighed in at 9 pounds 4 ounces and was 21 1/4 inches long. The Delgado boys were a little late for school because I took them to the hospital to welcome her to the family. They were all delighted with her. Jocelyn and I can't wait to get started trying on all that new pink stuff.. Their favorite thing about her was her beautiful, silky hair. Jocelyn is doiing great and is hoping to home this afternoon. I can't wait to hold her again!


Carla said...

I am so happy for everyone!! I can't believe Clara is here. If Jocelyn needs or wants anything at all, I'm totally available--meals, laundry, anything.

*katie said...

Congrats on another grandbaby! And a big ol congrats to Jocelyn and Oscar!!