Sunday, November 2, 2008


I joined Jocelyn and the boys at 8:15 Friday morning for Orangewood School's Halloween costume parade. Jared got to hang with Nathan for a stroll around the blacktop.
Spencer followed Dracula in the parade.

Jared decided he preferred swinging...

...and sliding to walking and watching.
The alien mom and her youngest karate kid.
After the parade, Jocelyn and I spent the morning going between Nathan's and Spencer's classes. Nathan's class had a camp out complete with paper bonfire and tents. Nathan's teacher, Dr. Neal, read a couple of stories and then sent the kids to their tents.
I took Jared home for a lunch brake and returned at 12:30 to hold Levi while Jocelyn got the class treats ready. While I was gone, the class used compasses for their fun math treasure hunt activity. I read to the group in Nathan's tent until school was dismissed. Everyone had a good time. All the white karate outfits were covered in bright orange frosting.
After arriving home, David and I (mostly I...David napped) vacuumed and washed the Jeep and truck and got cupcakes and chili ready for the annual "Trunk or Treat" party. While I was washing vehicles, I think Jocelyn was washing the bright orange frosting and playground grime off the karate kid clothes. David had put his "bean less" chili in the crock pot Thursday night so he only had to add the finishing touches. Jocelyn took the boys to Granny's to "Trick or Treat" and then we set up our "trunks" by 6:00 at the church parking lot. I passed out treats and showed Halloween movies from the back of my Jeep with occasional help from Nathan and Spencer. I bought David the Frankenstein costume for $3.00 and even had green make-up for his face (donated by Jocelyn), but he wouldn't wear it. He did agree to put it on for 30 seconds for this picture. I was a witch.
Here's the Delgados at the end of the party, tired but happy.

1 comment:

Carla said...

Is Spencer on a leash? hahahaha. If so, I love it!