Wednesday, September 5, 2007

David added the trusses today!


Papa Randy said...

Forget the trusses. I just like looking at David in shorts.

Carla said...

You guys are the most talented family on the planet!!! Who in the world has all the skills you guys do?

Eliza said...

Papa Randy your comment sort of scares me (probably scares Uncle David too).

lacey said...

can he come over here and finish my basement?

Jordan and Nikki Brown said...

I'm curious...what/who will the casita house?

I also agree - you Buntings are amazing with all of your handiwork!

CHERIE said...
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CHERIE said...

The casita is for Ellen, David's mom, so we can have her closer and be better able to assist her. It gets a little wild at our house when all the grandkids are there, so we thought it would be better for her to have her own space than just a bedroom in our house.